
While most of us consider clean water coming out of the sink as a natural born right, the reality is there are more than 5 million people who die each year because of water born illnesses from drinking unsanitary water.  Cris Cyborg working in conjunction with Justin Wren and his Fight For The Forgotten team are working to change that fact of life for two villages in Uganda.

A house in the village

Justin Wren and his team have develop a three step plan for helping change the lives of people living in Africa.  Working with local leaders to Develop Land, Water, and Food initiatives The Fight For The Forgotten is helping bring hope and community change one village at a time.

Known as The Big Pygmy after living in the Congo with the Pygmy aboriginal tribe of Africa, Justin Wren has experienced the tribes struggles first hand, and understands the life or death stakes for change.  SUBSCRIBE TO CRISCYBORG YOTUUBE CHANNE NOW

The Batwa Pygmy tribe are considered by many to be some of the most bullied people on Earth. Nomadic forest dwellers the tribe hunted and trapped as a way of life until civilization eventually encroached on their lives forcing them into captive refugee camps.  Victims of sexual attacks and cultural beliefs, The Batwa are fighting for their history and culture to survive.

Lets Work together to give them Hope and Inspire change!

Cyborg working with Cyborg Nation was able to donate two water wells for The Fight For The Forgotten, one of which went onto new land for the Batwa Pygmy tribe, which is already being used to harvest crops and creating jobs as the extra food is now able to be brought to the market and sold.  Justin Wren and his team have continued working with local community leaders to teach the skills behind farming and giving the Batwa Pygmy the tools to empower themselves through hard work and progress.  This is a chance at giving them HOPE back.

The King of the Batwa Pygmy Tribe working at his Farm!

Thanks to the generous support from Pso-Rite massage tool, Extract Labs CBD, and South Coast Mitsubishi cars, we have been able to create this amazing 7 part digital series Cyborg Nation Destination: Africa which followed Cris during her month long training camp in South Africa ahead of an expected July/Early Aug UFC return to action.  To check out all 7 episodes of the Digital Series CLICK HERE.   If you would like to contribute to the work Justin Wren and his team are doing in Uganda, you can donate to his cause here.  Remember for each new subscriber EXTRACT LABS GETS on youtube for the month of MAY they will donate 1$ to FFTF…SO GO SUBSCRIBE TO THEM TOO!

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